How to Avoid Fire Safety Penalties
Your company could be met with fire safety penalties if you do not meet fire protection or fire safety standards. Every company and organisation is responsible for ensuring its sites and premises meet and adhere to the minimum fire safety regulations. Yet time and again, there is news of companies being heavily fined for not doing so. Read more.
Avoiding Fire Safety Penalties:
Why are Fire Protection Measures so Important?
There are many reports of business owners avoiding their duty of care to people on-site. They tend to prove that inadequate fire protection measures can be fatal to people and businesses.

Essentially, negligent companies and businesses are putting the lives of their staff, customers, and visitors at risk by:
- Failing to regularly check and ensure that they meet commercial fire safety regulations
- Check that adequate fire protection measures are in place
The incentive to put these measures in place is clear: fire protection can save people’s lives, and save businesses money.
Reasons why businesses fail to meet commercial Fire Protection standards
Inevitably, daily business routines and challenges can be a distraction from ensuring fire safety measures are properly in place. However, the risk of fire safety penalties, along with fatal fire events, should be a big concern to business owners.
The Solution: Element Passive Fire Protection
For the reasons above, it makes sense to designate a staff member or team to diarise and organise professional fire safety reviews and/or installations.
Element PFP Leicester is your means to efficiently and cost-effectively implement the fire safety measures that your organisation requires.
Fire Protection: Our Services
- Passive Fire Protection
Passive Fire Protection is the culture that all our services encompass. Taking proactive measures to reduce or remove the risk of fire at premises.
- Certification and O&M’s
These are the required third-party accreditation documents your organisation receives to show you are adhering to fire protection measures and standards. Find out more.
- Fire Risk Assessments
A professional inspection of your property is required by law. They are designed to identify fire hazards and risks and to remove or reduce these risks. Book now.
- Compartmentation Survey
A measure to reduce fire risks, by analysing the compartment walls and spaces within your premises to see how viable they are to help stop the spread of fire. Learn more.
- Fire Door Installations
As it sounds. Element PFP can install a range of fire doors in strategic locations across your site. Get a quote.
- Pre/Post Fire Consultancy
We can discuss bespoke fire protection and fire safety measures with your organisation, either proactively to prevent fires, or even after the event, to help prevent reoccurrences in future. Learn more.