Best Western - Stoke

Novus Property Solutions


Hotels & Leisure




June 2021 - August 2021

Services Provided

Fire Compartmentation Survey

Service Overview

Following instruction from our client, Novus property solutions, Element PFP were tasked with completion of all passive fire remedials works to be carried out in line with their refurbishment program, of which included all new penetrations being made from their ongoing refurbishment works.

Project Particulars

  • Fire Compartmentation Survey
  • IFC Accredited Firestopping – Service Penetration Remedials

Challenges Faced

Following instruction from our client, Novus property solutions, Element PFP were tasked with completion of all passive fire remedials works to be carried out in line with their refurbishment program, of which included all new penetrations being made from their ongoing refurbishment works.

Following instruction from our client

NHS building outside
NHS building outside
NHS building outside

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